20 Things You didn’t Know About Stanford Law School


Stanford Law School is a prestigious institution of higher learning that most people throughout the world are familiar with, at least in the name. It’s a part of a famous Ivy League university that maintains a strong reputation for being one of the best in the world. Unless you’ve been privileged to attend the school there are many things that the average person doesn’t know. There are also things that some students do not know about the rich and storied history of the school. Our research has uncovered some interesting facts about SLS. Here are twenty things you probably didn’t know about Stanford Law School and some of them may surprise you.

1. Stanford Law School is part of a private research university

According to Wikipedia, Standford Law School is home at the esteemed Stanford University. The Institution is known for its research facilities where numerous studies are conducted. The law school division of Stanford maintains its team of research professors. The Law School offers graduating seniors, or master’s program graduates a research fellowship, working toward their graduate or doctoral programs in various disciplines of the law. Research fellows receive a salary and benefits for the time spent conducting research.

2. Stanford University Law School ranks among the top three in the nation

Stanford University’s Law School is one of the highest-ranking law schools in the United States. It is among the top three including Yale Law School and Harvard Law School. Stanford was ranked as the second-best in 2016 and has maintained this position in the national rankings. Harvard Law School occupies the third position. It takes first place in the percentage of recent graduates who have gone on to secure positions as clerks for federal judges in the judicial system.

3. Stanford Law School is one of the smallest JD programs in the top schools

One might believe that Stanford Law School would have one of the largest doctoral programs for its law students, but the opposite is true. Only 180 students are enrolled in the Doctor of Jurisprudence degree programs each fall. More than 550 students are working on these degrees at any given time. The low fall enrollment makes Stanford Law one of the smallest in the group of the top fourteen best law schools regarding its annual enrollment numbers.

4. Stanford Law has graduated famous alumni

The list of famous alumni from Stanford Law School is long and impressive. Many students have gone on from this prestigious school to become famous judges and justices. Sandra Day O’Connor, retired Supreme Court Justice is a Stanford graduate. So is Rhoda V. Lewis, the late Barbara Durham, Sian Elias, William Rehnquist, Chief Justice of the United States, Carlos R. Moreno, Frank K. Richardson, and many other Supreme Court justices at the state and federal levels. Many successful law students passed through the halls of learning at Stanford Law School, and they’ve established successful careers within the judicial system.

5. Stanford Law School offers dozens of programs

Stanford Law School offers its students a variety of choices for fulfilling their personal academic and professional ambitions. The school provides eleven full-time legal clinics with the Supreme court litigation clinic one of the most active in the country. Candidates are drawn to Stanford, not only because of its stellar reputation, but because of the diverse academic program offerings including twenty-seven joint degree programs, four advanced legal degrees at the Master’s level, and doctor of the science of law, degrees.

6. The student to faculty ratio is low at Stanford

A benefit for students attending Stanford Law School is the low student to instructor ratio. The latest figures from the school show that they are 7:3 to 1, which is among the lowest in the nation. When new students enter their programs for the first year, the class size averages 30 students. Lower numbers provide greater interaction with the instructor versus the larger lasses with hundreds of students who merely listen to lectures from anonymous seating arrangements in auditoriums. Students receive more individualized attention when desired. Just 180 new students are brought in each fall.

7. You can major in two things at once at Stanford Law School

Students with an interest in law and other disciplines have the opportunity to pursue both interests at once. Joint-degree programs are encouraged wherever desired by the students. They intermingle interdisciplinary learning and may be mixed with other professional and graduate schools. The law school focuses upon areas of the law, however, it is open to students who wish to pursue careers that focus on specific areas of the law as it pertains to other professions. The first year focuses strictly upon the law, but subsequent years may contain other course content, depending on the areas of specialization.

8. Stanford Law provides hands-on experience

The eleven legal clinics provided by Stanford Law provide students with real-life experiences working in professional situations. The experiences help prepare students for the work environment in the real world. the clinics include multiple choices, depending on the preference of the students including Criminal Defence, Environmental Law, Religious Liberty, Intellectual Property and Innovation, ad the Supreme Court Litigation Clinic. Students watch the processes and become involved as appropriate. Some of the more prominent Supreme Court cases where the clinic served as lead counsel include Bourke v Beshear in 2015, Melendez-Diaz v. Massachusetts, in 2009, United States v Windsor in 2013, and many others.

9. Stanford students have worked for famous clients

Some Stanford Law School students have been privileged to work on cases for prominent clients while earning their degrees. Students are assigned to work in small teams to conduct policy research and analysis for these clients. Some of the clients include Kamala Harris, former Governor of California Jerry Brown, The U.S. Department of Energy, the White House Office of Management and Budget, the California Law Revision Commission, The U.S Copyright Office, and the U.S. Department of the Treasury. It’s an understatement to say that Stanford University offers quality education.

10. Stanford University is an impressive community

College Vine confirms that all programs at Stanford University acquaint students with some of the most brilliant scholars of our time. They’ve been students and professors at the school. Some of them are still around to work with students to impart the wisdom they’ve gained through their lives. The Stanford University and Stanford Law Communities include four Politzer Prize winners, 12 National Medal of Science recipients, 19 Nobel Laureates, 34 Nobel Prize winners since the establishment of the university, 31 MacArthur Fellows, 2 Presidential Medal of Freedom recipients, and 4 National Humanities Medal recipients.

11. Stanford Law School requires a high LSAT Score

LSI reports that students hoping to gain acceptance to Stanford Law School must meet the minimum requirements to get into the school. The minimum LSAT scores must fall within the range of 169 to 174. Competition for acceptance is stiff. Twenty-five percent of students accepted for the 2023 school year scored at least 174 and above on their LSATs.The only way to gain acceptance with a poor LSAT is to score higher on all other areas judged by the acceptance committee. The GPA range is between 3.77 to 3.96. Stanford Law School screens far more applicants than it has seats to offer.

12. The acceptance rate at Stanford Law School is low

Stanford Law School is among the most desirable institutions of higher learning for students aspiring to be attorneys or judges. Although competition at Ivy League schools is usually intense, the chances of getting into Stanford Law School, for most, are slim to none. The admissions committee must take the cream of the crop with fair judgment according to which applicants best meet the school requirements. More than 3800 students applied to Stanford Law School in 2020, and just 10.48 percent of them were accepted. Of 2,807, Stanford Law made just 399 offers, counting all programs offered.

13. Stanford Law School is a Black Box Institution

You may come across the term Black Box when discussing the admissions processes at Stanford Law School. It’s wise to know precisely what the term means to avoid confusion. Any time you deal with a Black Box process, it is a warning that bad scores could keep you out of the school. It also means that bad scores are not the only things that could prevent acceptance. Even good scores do not guarantee your acceptance. Because of the high level of competition, students with outstanding records of accomplishments, and good scores are considered above those with good scores who have done few remarkable things. Some Stanford Law students have already made significant contributions to their local communities, or have earned recognition from their actions in some other ways.

14. Stanford Law likes to hear the story of its students

Every student applying for acceptance to Stanford Law has a story to tell, and the university’s admissions team wants to know it. They’re not fond of flash, overinflation, or going big. They want to learn the honest story without embellishment and learn the facts. It’s best to put a great deal of thought into the story you want them to hear. Don’t try to make yourself stand out, and retell your story relating the facts, hopes, dreams, and the things they want to know. What you’ve done, why, and why you’d be a good fit at Stanford. Their primary interest is in getting to know the whole person. You may have a few qualities that you’re not aware of yet.

15. Stanford Law School has its share of attractions

Admitsee points out that Stanford Law School is near the center of the Stanford University campus. While there, you’ll have the opportunity to visit one of the landmarks in the area. The campus is the home of The Hoover Tower. The Belgian-American Education Foundation gifted the tower. It is currently part of the Hoover Institution on War, Revolution, and Peace. It houses a public policy research center founded by one of its most famous alumni, the former President of the United States, Herbert Hoover.

16. There are other things to enjoy at Stanford Law School

While attending law school, you will quickly learn that the campus offers many enjoyable areas of interest and places to sit and relax for a few moments. For example, the Jane and Leland Stanford Cactus Garden offers cacti and succulents. The Stanfords planted them in the early 1880s on the campus. You may also enjoy participating in the freshman tradition of fountain hopping. The campus features multiple water fountains. Students have made it a habit of jumping in and having fun during the Admit Weekend and New Student Orientation.

17. The film “Legally Blonde” was inspired by Stanford Law School

The author of the book, “Legally Blonde,” is an alumnus of Stanford Law School. Amanda Brown wrote the book from her experiences as a student at Stanford Law. Her book made its way to film, starring actress Reese Witherspoon.

18. Stanford Law School has a long history

They launched the first legal studies curriculum at Stanford Law School in 1893. The law school has been running for a century and a quarter. The first two law professors hired by the school were Nathan Abbott, head of the new program, and former United States President Benjamin Harrison. The law school continued to add new staff members as it grew in size, but it remained low, historically.

19. Stanford Law was the first to admit groups discriminated against

Stanford Law School began as an undergraduate school with just a few students. The first students avoided judgment for outstanding accomplishments and high marks. The new school welcomed all students. It was the first to accept those not readily accepted by most other law schools. They enrolled women, and students of color, who were all widely discriminated against during the late 1800s and early 1900s by most other institutions. Stanford established a positive tone for protecting human rights since its inception.

20. Stanford’s Law Department wasn’t officially a law school until 1901

Stanford’s law programs fell under the law department before 1901. It evolved when they grew the library facilities into law libraries. The university turned the focus to professional training. it also became a member of the Association of American Law Schools and was awarded its first professional Bachelor of Laws degree in 1901. They changed the name from the Law Department to Law School in 1908.

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